Wednesday 11 October 2017

Harry Potter: A Hero's Journey and Archetypes Review

Hero: Harry is the reluctant hero in Harry Potter as he is visited by Hagrid he learns that he is a wizard and will face against Voldemort who is out to destroy him.

Shadow: Voldemort is the shadow archetype as Harry Potter is the boy who lived after Voldemort killed his parents, Voldemort's quest is to destroy Harry and anyone else who gets in his way.

Herald: Hagrid is the herald as he tells Harry that he is a wizard while announcing  him of the call to adventure.

Threshold Guardian: Hagrid is also the threshold guardian as he introduces Harry to the wizarding world while leaving the mundane muggle world behind him.

Trickster: Draco Malfoy is the trickster as he is constantly tormenting and harassing Harry at any given moment.

Mentor: The Mentor is Dumbledore as he is an old wise gentleman that Harry looks up to as his greatest source of inspiration as Dumbledore is extremely intelligent and always has Harrys best interest at heart.

Allies: Ron and Hermione are the allies as they are Harry's best friends and they fight along side him at every obstacle as Voldemort tries to tear his world to shreds.

Mother: Professor McGonagall is the mother figure Archetype in Harrys world as like Dumbledore Professor McGonagall has Harrys best interest at heart and cares and natures for him.

Shapeshifter: Snape can be seen as the shapeshifter as he is mysterious and it is a constant dilemma for the viewer to guess whether Snape is for or against Harry.

Father: It could be argued that Dumbledore is Harry's father figure as Harry's father was killed by Voldemort and Dumbledore does represent power as he is the headmaster of Hogwarts and he does show a serious nature when it is needed.

Child: Hagrid is the child Archetype as he represents innocence, even though he is a big hairy man it feels as though he wound not harm anyone and is a gentle giant that gets himself into some funny childlike situations.

Maiden: Hermione or possibly Ginny are the Maiden Archetype's as they both represent purity and sexuality,

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